Katie Turnbull

Katie Turnbull has a Biology Degree from Trent University and two Diplomas from Fleming College in Ecosystem Management. Katie has 20 years of professional experience working with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and currently she is a Senior Project Manager overseeing TRCA’s terrestrial restoration work. Katie has a passion for habitat restoration with a focus on meadow, forest and wetland ecosystems and has had the pleasure to work on The Meadoway Project since the pilot started in 2012.

Day 1

June 23, 2023

10:00 am EDT

Ecological Corridors: Scaling Urban Connectivity

This session will be held in English with simultaneous French interpretation.

Ecological corridors at a range of scales - from community-led to government partnerships- heal fragmented landscapes, cultivate biodiversity and support powerful human/nature relationships. Learn from the Canadian projects reconnecting spaces and species.

Presenting Sponsor

Sponsor logo TD The Ready Commitment

Host City Partner

City of Toronto

Event Sponsor

Parks Canada


The Bentway
Metcalf Foundation
Government of Canada
Municipal World
Mohari Hospitality