Ilana Altman
Co-Executive Director @The Bentway

Ilana Altman is a cultural planner and designer who has a background in art and architecture. In her role as Co-Executive Director, she works with the community to implement innovative and engaging programming, revealing new possibilities for public space and cultivating the best visitor experience possible.

Day 1

June 22, 2023

2:00 pm EDT

Parks At the Core: A Tour on Delivering Innovation in Downtown Parks


Join us for a tour of the transformational parks reshaping downtown Toronto. In this session, you will experience the parks alongside the inspirational leaders who helped shape them. Learn about the political, technical, project management, and funding challenges they overcame to bring their projects from concept to reality and learn about how the spaces were designed and are used today.

Presenting Sponsor

Sponsor logo TD The Ready Commitment

Host City Partner

City of Toronto

Event Sponsor

Parks Canada


The Bentway
Metcalf Foundation
Government of Canada
Municipal World
Mohari Hospitality