Val T Vint Born in Winnipegosis, Manitoba, Val spent the most meaningful part of her childhood in the bush chasing foxes and pelicans with her Grandfather, a conservation officer. She draws from a background of photography, engineering, design, theatre, music, travel, and work with other indigenous peoples. Her cultural heritage makes her feel that she has a license to investigate all forms of art. Val has also been a (traditional) drum-carrier for 40+ years and teaches cultural arts.
June 23, 2023
Parks as Portals to Joy
Join Val T Vint and Leah Houston for a creative exploration of parks as portals to joy. Through story-sharing and art-making we’ll imagine new ways of engaging park users as co-creators seeking joy through community connection, collaboration and celebration. Be ready to experiment with different art modalities – but don’t worry – it’s just for fun – and joy!