Val T Vint

Val T Vint Born in Winnipegosis, Manitoba, Val spent the most meaningful part of her childhood in the bush chasing foxes and pelicans with her Grandfather, a conservation officer. She draws from a background of photography, engineering, design, theatre, music, travel, and work with other indigenous peoples. Her cultural heritage makes her feel that she has a license to investigate all forms of art. Val has also been a (traditional) drum-carrier for 40+ years and teaches cultural arts.

Day 1

June 23, 2023

11:00 am EDT

Parks as Portals to Joy


Join Val T Vint and Leah Houston for a creative exploration of parks as portals to joy. Through story-sharing and art-making we’ll imagine new ways of engaging park users as co-creators seeking joy through community connection, collaboration and celebration. Be ready to experiment with different art modalities – but don’t worry – it’s just for fun – and joy!

Presenting Sponsor

Sponsor logo TD The Ready Commitment

Host City Partner

City of Toronto

Event Sponsor

Parks Canada


The Bentway
Metcalf Foundation
Government of Canada
Municipal World
Mohari Hospitality